Bottle-Cap Contact Mic Workshop At CRASHspace

This workshop was mentioned at last month’s patching circle because of Miller’s ceramic tile contact mic demo. CMKT4 is coming to Maker Faire and they’re visiting hackerspaces along the way, showing how to build their awesome bottle-cap contact microphones. They’ll be at CRASHspace on Saturday, 14 May 2011, from 6-9 PM. Build a contact mic […]


After a successful Kickstarter campaign to make it happy, there’s a three-day festival of Monome music starting today in Santa Fe. And they’re live streaming it as well! There’s sure to be some Pd and Max/MSP going on in New Mexico this weekend.

Thank You

Thanks to everyone who made pd-LAunch a great success. Guests of honor – Hans-Christoph Steiner, Chris McCormick, Miller Puckette The first meeting of the pd-la patching circle was on Saturday, 30 April. Miller Puckette joined us and showed us some work he was doing with ceramic tiles and non-linear reverberators. After the patching circle, we […]

Friday Workshop Recap

On Friday 29 April 2011, Chris McCormick taught a workshop at CRASHspace called “Pd As Your Audio Engine.” Chris covered PdLib, WebPd, pygame, Processing, RjDj, and everything you need to know about using Pure Data embedded in other platforms and devices. The lecture is available for viewing at the CRASHspace Ustream channel. The patches, libraries, and […]

Thursday Workshop Recap

On Thursday 28 April 2011, Hans-Christoph Steiner taught a workshop at CRASHspace called “Starting with Realtime Audio/Video Interaction.” The turn-out was great, and the group made a number of fun patches that used their mouse, microphone, and a Kinect to control video and audio. There were some technical difficulties with the UStream, so most of […]

Friday Workshop Reminder

Last night’s workshop went great. Tonight’s is going to be fantastic. Come join us at 7 PM to learn about embedded Pd. As part of the pd-LAunch week, Chris McCormick will be teaching a workshop on using pdlib as a sound engine for other applications on April 29th at CRASHspace. Pd As Your Embedded Audio […]

Thursday Workshop Reminder

As part of the pd-LAunch week, Hans-Christoph Steiner will be teaching a workshop on using Pure Data for interactive audio and video on April 28th at CRASHspace. Kinect Hacking at the NYC Pd Patching Circle from Hans-Christoph Steiner on Vimeo. Pd provides a wide range of tools for tracking and extracting information from audio in […]