pd-LAunch II

A California Confluence
May 12-20, 2012

This DIY conference, (aka “confluence”) is sponsored by CRASH Space LA and New Blankets, Inc.  as an effort to encourage Puredata and the Maker movement, and to promote the spread of read/write culture for everyone.

All events will be held at CRASH Space – 10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City, 90232.

Saturday, May 12 at 8 PM – Handmade Music – not *exactly* a Pure Data event, but there will be Pure Data performances.

Planned lineup:

Open to the public, $5 recommended donation to CRASH Space


Sunday, May 13 from 12-5 PM – Patching Circle

Open and free to all (donations to support CRASH Space are encouraged) – come and bring your Pure Data, Max/MSP, or other noisy programming project to work on.

The pd-la Patching Circle is an informal gathering of anyone who is interested in patching languages (Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, etc.). Beginners and experienced patchers welcome. Open to everyone – work on personal or professional projects, school work, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of other people patching patches and helping other people patch.


Wednesday, May 16, 8-10 PM – Introduction To Pure Data

This is a free introduction to Pure Data for the absolute beginner.

And it’s FREE!

There are 15 seats – sign up here.

This class aims to get you over the “blank canvas” hump. Learn a basic set of objects to make an audio patch, and add some interface elements to make it controllable.

No experience or computer necessary. If you have a laptop, download Pd-extended from http://puredata.info/downloads/pd-extended – and install beforehand to patch along. We will be available to help install and troubleshoot before the class begins (starting at about 7 pm) if you want to arrive early.

In addition to the basics, you will receive some reference materials to help you continue learning. If you bring a 16 GB USB stick, we will have videos of Miller Puckette (creator of Pure Data), teaching a 20-class college level course on computer music based entirely on Pd. The videos are also available for download here.

2 Responses to pd-LAunch II

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