We will be having our next patching circle on Sunday April 6th starting at Noon, at CRASH Space (10526 Venice Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 – view map). This event is free and open to everyone.
There will be a special guest: Chris McCormick, musician and creator of PdDroidParty and WebPd, will be joining us (all the way from Australia) and showing us what he has been working on lately.
Chris visited a few years ago and taught a workshop on using Pure Data as an audio engine with other languages.
What is Pure Data (Pd)? Pd is an open source visual programming language used by artists and musicians all around the world. It’s creator, Miller Puckette, teaches computer music at UCSD, and was the creator of the original version of Max/MSP.
A patching circle is an informal gathering of anyone who is interested in patching languages (Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, etc.). Beginners and experienced patchers are welcome. Open to everyone – work on personal or professional projects, school work, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of other people patching patches and helping other people patch.